Mystic - (02/17/2002):
A more minor update today. I updated the Notes section, and I hope to update that with
more specific stuff soon. I also added a Polls section, so check it out.
Mystic - (02/15/2002):
Big update today for you all O_O. I added a new copy of Sonic 2Z for you to mess with, now
with ALZ2 mostly done (I need to bugfix it now). I totally revamped the links section, so
now you may actually find something interesting in there if you're bored. Also, please try
and visit the forums and give some feedback, it always helps when trying to motivate myself
during a slump.
I hope to get out a decent clean demo of Sonic 2Z for SAGE, so mark your calendars ^_^
Mystic - (02/02/2002):
Minor updates on many parts of the site. Mostly this is just a fix for what I missed late night
yesterday ^_^()
Mystic - (02/01/2002):
Big site redesign. Although it doesn't LOOK that different, there were a LOT of things
changed to make this layout. I've added new layouts for a few sections as well. In the news
department, I am in an incredible slump, and I don't know how to fix that. This has been
the week from hell, as a combination of bad events on
SFGHQ and in real life have just
basically creamed my already depressed self. Sadly, I cannot guaruntee a new demo for SAGE,
although I sincerely hope I can pull it off. ALZ2 is next in line of things to do for
Sonic 2Z, so you can expect that in the next demo release.
Also, I added a deathmatch map for SRB2 to smite this idiot on #srb2, so I irritate him and you get the benefits ^_^